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Act 174 and Energy Planning

Regional and municipal plans currently receive "Due Consideration" in the Section 248 siting process. Act 174 was passed in 2016, which establishes a new set of energy planning standards for municipal and regional plans. Plans that meet these standards will be given an affirmative "determination of energy compliance" and will receive "Substantial Deference" in the Public Service Board's Section 248 siting process. Meeting these standards is entirely voluntary; if municipalities do not wish to update their plans, they will continue to receive "Due Consideration" in the Section 248 process. If your town wishes to seek a determination of energy compliance for your plan, you must submit your plan directly to NVDA along with a completed checklist.

Contact Allie Webster, Energy Planner for support and technical assistance ( and/or David Snedeker, Executive Director (; Northeastern Vermont Development Association; PO Box 630; Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819.

NVDA's Energy Plan

Please note that NVDA's Regional Plan was updated and readopted on July 29, 2023 in accordance with 24 VSA 4348b, which allows regional planning commissions to readopt plans that are approaching expiration. In accordance with statute, we have prepared an Assessment and Report. The report addresses the new requirement for certification of regional plans by the Department of Public Service, including equity requirements. The plan update, however, does not include new municipal breakouts of LEAP analysis, as the new LEAP analysis was being completed just as the readoption of the plan commenced.

NVDA is working on a new regional plan that will incorporate new municipal targets for 2023 LEAP projections, and we will begin making this information available to towns as soon as possible. In the meantime, please reach out to NVDA for the latest local energy analysis and planning support.

NEK Siting Guidelines for Renewable Energy Generation - see NVDA 2023 Enhanced Energy Plan, pg. 17

NVDA Energy Maps have been updated to be consistent with the Climate Action Plan and 2022 Act 174 standards, with an emphasis on the value of forest lands for sequestering and storing carbon. NVDA Energy Maps, available on PDF pgs. 27-34 at, can be used to identify areas unsuitable for development, but more importantly guide decision-making around identified potential (and preferred) areas for renewable energy development to meet regional energy demand, reduce energy burden, and contribute to the state energy and climate goals.

NEK Energy Pathways: Goals, Objectives & Actions
See the NEK Energy Pathways outlining recommended goals, objectives, and actions for addressing the energy targets and challenges detailed in NVDA 2023 Regional Enhanced Energy Plan, pg.18. These pathways are aligned with the goals of Vermont Climate Action Plan and Comprehensive Energy Plan.

Certification of Energy Compliance

Town Steps Taken
Danville - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Barnet - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Ryegate - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Glover - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
St. Johnsbury - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Peacham - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Sutton - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Craftsbury - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Troy - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Westmore - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Burke - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Greensboro - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Irasburg - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Morgan - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Brighton - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Charleston - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Westfield - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision
Holland - Town Plan Notice | Standards Checklist | Minutes | Decision