Mapping Services
Please contact us to receive any of these publications. You'll need to download a copy of the free software from Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the below pdfs. (Note: If you are having trouble opening the pdf files in your browser you should download the file to your hard drive and open it in Acrobat from your hard drive, not from your browser.)
Booklets & Maps
Renewable Energy for Your Home or Business: How-to Guides: Guides for the home or business owner explaining how to use Solar, Small Wind, Geothermal, Pellet Stove, or Wood Stove technology in the Northeast Kingdom.
Vermont Snowmobile Trails Map: Updated annually available through VAST.
The Bayley Hazen Military Road Field Guide: Resources, Events and History of the Road from Wells River to Hazen's Notch.
Maple Syrup Producers in the Northeast Kingdom: a listing by County including location and contact information.