UTG - Unified Towns and Gores
- County
- Essex County
- Population
- Website:
- Contact Information
- Town Clerk: Bobbi Magoon
- Office Hours: Monday: 8:00-4:00 Tuesday-Friday: 8:00-3:00
- Phone: 802-723-5900
- Fax: 802-723-6100
- Email: utgoffice@myfairpoint.net
- Address: Island Pond, VT 05846
Documents / Data
- Town Plan: Town Plan
- Zoning Bylaw: Zoning Bylaws
- Other Municipal Documents:
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan - Census Profile:
Averill Town Census
- Note: The conservation maps referenced in the 2019 plan can be viewed on the Agency of Natural Resources website at https://anr.vermont.gov/node/986